The State Bar of California is seeking comments on two options for admissions services fee increases.
What do you think of the proposals, and which do you prefer?
Why We Need Your Views
Your feedback is important because it helps ensure that the final fee increase proposal submitted to the Board of Trustees reflects the input of those most likely to be impacted by these fees in the future.
Background Fees assessed for various State Bar admissions services and functions are supposed to fully cover the cost of providing those services. However, current admissions fees do not cover expenses. As a result, the admissions budget has a structural deficit.
In 2023, the State Bar will have to draw $7 million from reserves to cover the costs of admissions services and functions. We project that by the end of 2023, reserves in the Admissions Fund will dwindle to $4 million, which will not be enough to bridge the gap between revenues and expenses in 2024. To resolve this deficit, we need to both increase fees and cut costs. If we cannot raise fees enough to fully cover program costs, we may have to make severe cutbacks in staffing and services.
How did we get here? Some admissions fees have not increased in decades. Fees for the two largest areas of activity and expense—the California Bar Exam and the moral character determination process—have not increased since 2016. While fees have not increased, costs have. Routine staff salary increases, inflation, and the COVID-19 pandemic have all added significantly to the costs of doing business.
Your comments are being sought on two different options for fee increases.
Both options include higher increases for applicants who are already licensed attorneys in order to reduce the fee increase impact on students and nonattorney applicants.
The options and your preliminary feedback will be shared with the State Bar Board of Trustees in May, with final action on admissions fees targeted for July 2023.
Option 1 reflects a “break even” approach—the true cost of providing each service.
Option 2 reflects more modest increases in some areas.
While Option 2 is likely more palatable in the short term, your feedback should consider the reality that adopting this option will likely require significant cuts in operational expenses.
To see the details, click the buttons below to review the options for proposed fee increases in three program areas.
What do you think of the fee increase proposals?
Do you have a preference between Option 1 and Option 2?
Please leave your comments no later than May 15, 11:59 p.m.